I understand a lot of you will think that the distance I’ve covered in the below stats might not be enough to make the efficiency valid. But do consider that all the rides I’ve done below, I’ve done at the speeds I’ve mentioned below, with no interruption and just cruised at those speeds. So I think these efficiency figures can be extrapolated to long continuous rides. And you might even get better efficiency figures because these short rides also take into consideration the energy used to accelerate to the speed mentioned
Hey guys. Wanted to share a short ride I took today. I really wanted to know how my Ather runs at different speeds. What consumption at what speed. So I thought today was a good day to try it out and I charged up my scooter to 100% , set my tyre pressures right and set out towards the airport. The plan was to just reach the airport and turn around and get back home. In case I couldn’t, then to turn around at 55% SoC I live 33 Km or so from the Bengaluru airport and I was confident I can do it on a single charge with TORQ92 ( an ather fast charging grid point ) as back up. So I set out with a plan in mind to ride at a constant speed for a good stretch continuously to get an idea about the consumption. These are all the values I was able to obtain
Riding at low 50kmph speeds (between45-55kmph) For 6.3Km and 13 Mins efficiency - 29Wh/Km projected range of 82Km

2. Riding at just under 40kmph for 5.2Km in 9 minutes efficiency - 26Wh/Km Projected range of - 92Km

3. Riding at just under 30kmph for 3.5 Km in 10 mins efficiency - 23Wh/Km Projected range of - 104Km looks like we just cracked ARAI style of riding 😂

I finally reached the airport and to my surprise I still had 65% SoC left. With an average efficiency of 27Wh/Km

Considering I still had so much range left I decided to do some high speed efficiency rides
4. Riding at 60kmph for 6.1 Km I took some time to get to 60kmph porbbaly why my avg speed seems off.
Efficiency - 33wh/Km Projected range of - 73Km which is rather good for 60Kmph on the highway !

5. Riding at 70kmph for 5.3 Km in just 7 mins efficiency - 35Wh/Km again the avg speed seems a bit off. Projected range of - 68Km

6. Riding at the full throttle between 80-90 kmph for 5.2 Km in 4-5 Mins; efficiency - 54Wh/Km Projected range of - 45Km 🤦

I wanted to stay at 90kmph for longer but then came the infamous Hebbal flyover, and all the scooters i passed came by and were pleasantly surprised. Stuck in the traffic they started asking me about my Ather and the usual questions.
Reached home with 17% left. I went into limp mode JUST before reaching my house and Just after I climbed a steep gradient, luckily.

2 Hours well spent in my opinion.
PS - I did this mainly because I had no idea about how much energy my scooter consumes to cruise at different speeds. I tried searching for ways to figure that out, but I still wasn’t very satisfied. ather could have saved me the trouble of doing all this to figure out how much my scooter consumes at a particular speed by just providing a simple instantaneous efficiency indicator which is more quantifiable than just the red Halo on the dashboard. A simple wh/Km instantaneous consumption value on the dashboard. Would really help in long cruising rides to fight out anxiety and to plan our rides better. The Nexons graph is also more than enough.
Hope this is helpful Fin
Range at 60 & 70kmph surprised me. Quite good at those speeds. Above that seems that it becomes heavy on range.