Arun is busy, so here I am to tell you about Arun's solar. You guys have bombarded us with questions(mostly repetitive), here is everything you might need to know. Anything else ask in comments.

Firstly, Solar is not residential, it's at his office.
It is on grid system.
Size- 13.32KW.
36 panels. 370W.
Approximately INR 75k/kw + taxes. Costed near 8.9L.
Didn't opt for subsidy as they are slow to roll out, but being a commercial solar he will get tax credit back.

The office consumes 1300-1400 units on average per month including charging his Kona, Solar generation will be nearly 4.5 units per kw panel per day. So we are looking at nearly 60 units a day and monthly near 1600-1700 units( if weather supports every day). Electricity bill was nearly INR 15-18k per month. With savings and tax credit we are nearly looking at 3 year payback..
There are two pricing for net metering, one is if you took subsidies another if you didn't took subsidies. According to Karnataka Solar Roof top policy
For grid connected megawatt scale solar power projects of less than 5MW capacity at Rs.3.08 per unit.
For grid connected Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic projects of 1 kW to 2000kW at Rs. 3.07 per unit (without capital subsidy) and at Rs.2.32 only per unit (with capital subsidy).
For grid connected Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic projects of 1 kW to 10 kW for domestic consumers at Rs.3.99 per unit (without capital subsidy) and at Rs.2.97 per unit (with capital subsidy).
If electricity is net surplus then it will be credited to his account monthly.
Day 1 ( 5 November 2019 )
1st data from the SolarEdgePV app . Data available only since 2.30 pm once system connected to net, though today's solar production from ~ 11 am was used/fed to grid once the net metering system started. Production since 2.30pm was 8.15 kWh.

Day 2
Day 2 of solar system being online his SolarEdgePV system produced 54.67 kWh.

Day 3
Looked like some intermittent cloud cover, due to which ~10 kWh lower generation than yesterday. System produced 43.96 kWh today.

So this is all for now.
Go solar! Its Money printer.
Take a look at Guide to Going Solar in India
Very precise article. I must complement Arun for choosing the best combination of solar components. MONO modules and SolarEdge inverter .
It will be fun to see this solar system performance over the years to come.