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Captain Hype TV
Jul 04, 2020
In General Discussions
Hey Tesla Club India, one month ago my wife and myself went to Wolfsburg and got our electrical Golf. We had ordered it last year in November. Was quite exciting. We use it as the daily commuter for my wife. She does 160km a day. The real range in summer of the eGOLF is about 230-240km. So she can do the daily trip w/o charging in between --> only home charging. The e-Golf is a 100% BEV - however it is not full breed: it is based on the ICE GOLF - VW took out the ICE propulsion and substituted it with a battery electric one. Hence it is not an iphone on wheels - as a TESLA. But I must say: I am pretty impressed so far. You get a VW GOLF with all it's high quality and robustness that was converted into a BEV. OK - the navigation system shows you the petrol filling stations (even with little symbols of the brand) - but this doesn't bother me. If you get along with the ~230km of range the car is great. For sure we ordered the quick charging option (CCS plug). Hence we can charge for free at a local shopping center (I reported in a separate article here in the forum) - during a shopping tour we charge 150km... That's quite cool. Here in Germany a significant government bonus for BEVs is available. On top VW reduced the list price of the e-GOLF by 4000€ and you can also negotiate a personal deal with your local dealer. All in all you can thus save up to 30% (depends on your skills of negotiating and the configuration of your car). I have done a small YouTube video on our first experiences with the e-GOLF. I'm happy to answer any questions concerning the car... Cheers!
Volkswagen electrical Golf - one month of ownership
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Captain Hype TV
Mar 15, 2020
In General Discussions
I did an image video on the Model S. I’m a car lover and with the 2014 Model S I really love the sleek curves and aerodynamic look as well as the face/the eyes.... what is the picture/feature you like most on your favorite BEV?
Tribute to 2014 Model S content media
Captain Hype TV
Mar 06, 2020
In General Discussions
Hey all, maybe you have a similar thing in India. Here in Germany there are several providers for charging services. They offer apps as well as transponder cards/transponder chips. With those and a proper account/contract you can use the charging stations within the network of the provider: two things are remarkable about the system: A) Some chargers can be used for free (see my related post). However you sometimes need a transponder/registered App to launch the free charging. In this case it is always good to be registered with some of the providers to receive the card but without monthly fee. These providers offer the service, but the kilowatt hour price for regular charging will be higher than with a monthly fee contract. Great to have several of these cards, as you do not pay basic fee, and you normally are then in a position to activate the free charging point. B) so-called flat rate cards. Basically they can do the same as mentioned in point A). However you pay a monthly constant fee and the card allows you to charge as much as you want to in the month. I don’t know the intention of these systems. I guess the calculation is to get customers also for home electricity. Or to earn money as some people charge less than they pay per month. In our case we use a flat rate card where we pay €15 a month . That’s really not a lot of money (100km of charging of Tesla Model S is ~6-7€ In electricity in 🇩🇪 ). However the network/amount of charging points is limited for this card. But it covers very well our operational area and one charger is 300m away from our home. This kind of deals make e-Mobility even more attractive. Especially if you consider the fuel price per 100km was about 12€ with our ICE family car... Flat rate charging during shopping near our city center... Flat rate charging at a charging point in Hamburg (Hanseviertel Parkinghouse) during shopping
Flat rate charging in Germany content media
Captain Hype TV
Feb 29, 2020
In General Discussions
Hey there, in Germany more and more shopping malls and supermarkets offer free charging points on their parking places. In my direct neighborhood (within 10Min ride) there are two. Both are equipped with 2 parking places at one tripple charger (50kW CCS, 50KW Chademo & 43kW type 2). For a typical shopping tour between 20-40 minutes I will get 15-25kWH for free . For our Model S that is approximately 100km of range. Yesterday‘s free charging result That’s really a good deal. For sure I prefer those shopping centers to others - now that I’m riding a BEV. great move towards #FutureMobility and #eMobility.
Free charging at shopping malls content media
Captain Hype TV
Feb 24, 2020
In General Discussions
I know that the core of #eMobility and #BEV is about sustainability, reduction of environment abuse, reduction of use of fossil fuels... However I must admit: I love driving fast. I love driving curves. And not as a positive side effect of necessary transportation from A to B. But for the pure fun of it. At least once a year I drive to the Alps with my best friend and we go for substantial curve driving taking the passes over different mountains - with ICE cars. ICEing in the Austrian Alps Curves in the Austrian Alps And I'm really looking forward to the day, when we do this tour in a BEV... Though my best freind is working for Mercedes - and he is not yet a big fan of #BEV - but i slowly get him there : ) Another passion is going fast on the highway in Germany - the so called "Autobahn". This I do regularly - since we have our Model S as family car - in the Model S. Although we bought a used S85 without any fancy 4 wheel drive or performance package, you can still go quite fast and the 0-100km/h acceleration of this "slow" Model S is below 6 seconds (better than my sports car…). For those not familiar: on the German Autobahn you are allowed to go as fast as you want to as long as you have no local speed limit and as long as you keep the safety distance to cars in front of you. The minimum speed you have to go is 61km/hours. The recommended orientation speed is 130km/hour. If you are interested: take a ride with me in my Model S Autobahn video: All in all: I admit I'm a sinner sometimes. However, as our Model S it at 100.000km now and as we have a 100% renewable electricity contract for our house, our Model S is operated C02 neutral. And that sounds just great for me. Acceleration fun and driving fun at CO2 neutrality... To regain a little bit of my green belief, I also have to admit that I make much more miles with our BEV than with our ICE - as the BEV is in general much more fun, "refuels" over night, gives a powerful and smooth ride, is very comfortable and got me hooked on #eMobility. On long distance traveling with family I'm also much more relaxed now, due to the charging breaks and the average speed of ~110 - 120km/h we do to have good range. A bonus: our used Model S has lifetime free supercharging. Our Model S on the beach of Sankt Peter Ording in Germany
Not sensible - but lots of fun…!  ; ) content media
Captain Hype TV
Feb 14, 2020
In General Discussions
The history of BEVs is very old. I‘m curious to learn on BEV history in India... Please share your Knowledge/Pics. I start with a very old one I found in the technology museum in Speyer (Germany). it looks as if they replaced horses with electrical engine. And look at the specs...
More than 100years of History of BEVs content media
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